Greensboro, NC
Home MenuIllicit Connections and Improper Disposal
The Stormwater Division investigates illicit connections and improper disposals to the storm drain system. Examples of these actions include a building whose sanitary sewer pipes drain into a storm drain, someone dumping used oil, grass clippings, or leaves into a storm drain or on a creek bank, or a spill entering the storm drain system.
Storm sewers are often confused with sanitary sewers. In Greensboro, these are two separate systems. Wastewater in the sanitary sewer (for example, toilet water or water from washing your dishes) is collected and treated at the City's wastewater treatment plant. Water entering the storm sewer (for example, through curbs on the edge of the street and curb inlets which carry stormwater) does not get treated and drains directly into lakes and streams.
If you suspect an illicit connection and/or improper disposal, please report it to the Water Resources Department Stormwater Division by calling 336-373-CITY (2489).