Greensboro, NC
Home MenuPaddling
Boat Rentals
Kayak, canoe, and paddleboard rentals run May 1 to October 31.
Rentals are first-come, first-served. There is no time limit. Renters must be 16 years of age. Ages 9-15 may be in a boat by themselves with a signed waiver and a parent or guardian in a boat next to them. Children under 9 must be in a boat with an adult. No swimming or wading is allowed at any of the Greensboro City Lakes.
Solo kayak $15 Higgins, Brandt, Townsend
(one person)
Tandem kayak $25 Higgins, Brandt, Townsend
(two people)
Paddleboard $15 Higgins, Brandt
(one person)
Canoe $25 Higgins, Brandt
(2 people)
Age Requirements
Renters must be age 16 or older. Youth ages 9-15 may be in a solo kayak or paddleboard with a signed waiver and must be accompanied on the water by a parent in an adjacent boat. Under age 9 must be in a tandem kayak or canoe with an adult.
Private Boat Launch
Visitors to the lakes can launch private kayaks, paddleboards, and canoes for $6 per boat. An annual launch pass is available for purchase if interested. Age restrictions above extend to private boats. All boaters are required to register and pay at the marina office. No swimming or wading is allowed at any of the Greensboro City Lakes.
All boats must be off the water 30 minutes before closing.
Kiddies & Kayaks
Lake Brandt
June - August, 10-11 am
Introduce a kid to the joy of paddling! From a two-person kayak, a grown up and a kid, ages 4-12, will explore Lake Brandt. Each child will be given a laminated book with things that are found on the lake so they can circle what they can see and hear. This program is guided by lake staff. Cost is $30.
*Each registration is for one adult and one child.*
June 20
July 11
July 25
August 8
Night Paddles
Lake Brandt & Lake Higgins
June - August, 8-10 pm
Come out and enjoy the lake by moonlight. Bring your own boat or rent one of ours. Registration is required and space is limited. Open to ages 13 and up. Basic paddle instruction will be provided as needed. Please arrive before 8 pm.
Solo kayak rental $20
2-Person kayak rental $30
Bring your own kayak $8