The City’s Human Rights Commission (HRC) invites the public to register for part one of its new ‘Let’s Talk Law’ series Expunctions and Expungements. After registering, participants will be able to join the meeting via Zoom, using Meeting ID: 941 7553 6816 and passcode: 696838, or by calling 1-929-205-6099.
According to FBI statistics and The Sentencing Project, one out of every three people in the US has a criminal record. Even a misdemeanor or arrest without conviction can create major barriers when it comes to accessing housing, employment, family reunification, education and more. Some people qualify for expunction or expungement, meaning their record is wiped clean. Featured speaker is former NC Senator Don Vaughan of Donald R. Vaughan and Associates, now a Greensboro attorney with more than 38 years of experience. Vaughan will explain the expungement process and educate participants on the criminal justice system and how policies are changing.