The Greensboro Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is updating multiple transportation plans and you are invited to stop by this open house anytime to learn more about and provide input on any of them. They include:
Coordinated Human Services Transportation Plan - The Coordinated Plan is focused on the unmet transportation needs of older adults, individuals with disabilities and persons with low incomes. The draft plan will be out for public review from March 19 to April 17. The MPO will also solicit proposals for JARC and New Freedom transit grants during this time span.
Public Participation Plan - The Public Participation Plan guides the actions the MPO takes to encourage public participation on MPO plans and projects. The draft plan is out for public review from March 19 to May 2.
Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan (BiPed) - The BiPed Plan is the fiscally unconstrained long-range plan for pedestrian, bicycle, trail and greenway facilities in the MPO planning area. Information on the BiPed update will be available at the meeting. A draft is expected this spring.
2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) - The LRTP is the fiscally constrained long-range plan for all transportation modes in the MPO area. Staff is seeking input on projects to be included in the draft plan. This Open House is the kickoff to the LRTP update.
Please contact MPO staff if you have any questions or comments on the meeting or the plan updates by e-mail or by calling 336-373-4368.
Anyone in need of special services at the Open House may call 336-373-4368 one week in advance.
MPO is the federally required regional transportation planning organization for the Greensboro Urban Area. The MPO planning area includes all of Guilford County excluding High Point and Jamestown to the southwest and Whitsett and Gibsonville to the east.